At the Core…
What does TEMPER actually stand for?
…a holistic coaching philosophy focused on achieving outcomes and results tailored to your unique goals…
The Temper Endurance coaching philosophy is a holistic one to support and improve performance. I believe that you can’t have optimised performance without a balanced lifestyle and the underpinning physical and mental health to support it.
Performance will no doubt reflect the lifestyle of an athlete, especially if an athlete is run down from constant overreaching in training through a poorly structured training plan. Sub-optimal recovery also plays a part through lack of sleep or deficient nutrition resulting from a poor diet. Added to that any negative work or home stresses will all have an impact.
As athlete and coach we must also have an eye on the mental and social factors which may be affecting athletic performance. This can come from a variety of sources, be it pressure from piers, family or even internally generated pressure from yourself.
But, more literally…
Below you will see the athlete and coach values which sit at the very core and quite literally make up TEMPER Endurance…
T - Targeted training
…all 1-2-1 coached athletes receive bespoke training plans, precise to you the athlete, your physiology and your unique lifestyle. Whatever your needs are, be it a training plan only, healthy motivation, guidance to being more metabolically flexible, or maybe a mixture? What you get from us is targeted at you, it’s your plan.
E - Evolution
…as humans, we evolved to be endurance experts, it’s one of the things made us the apex predator. When it comes to long distances, we can outrun almost any animal. It’s been written that on a hot day a human can outrun a horse over 26.2 miles (AKA, the Marathon). Our secret weapon is our sweat. We’re evolved to run and cool ourselves at the same time. Aside from human evolution, our training must also evolve in line with our specific training needs at the time. Are we training for a specific race, general health or longevity - or possibly all three?
M - Mastery
…author and running expert, Steve Magness made a great point when he said, “people who sustain success over the long-haul are rarely shooting for success. They are focussed on the path. Their goal is mastery which knows no end.” I couldn’t agree more with Steve. Mastery is a path and certainly not a destination. The outcome we seek is the destination, but we must focus on the process, this is the path, the path which leads to mastery.
P - Performance
…as athletes or ‘performers’ we seek out that perfect day or the session where it all clicks. Similar to mastery, this perfect performance always seems to be just out of reach or beyond us. Yet we must continue on the path and in pursuit to find it. So what else could ‘P’ possibly stand for? It is of course ‘PERFORMANCE’. A reference to how well we act or deliver a particular task or activity, one often measured by the quality, efficiency or effectiveness of actions or outcomes. Relatable in this instance to a training session, a skill, or a race. Performance is a driving factor at Temper Endurance, optimised, and underpinned with a healthy lifestyle and the support network you deserve…
E - Enjoyment
…it is certainly not rocket science to say that we are our most dedicated when we are having fun and experiencing joy. Often, we make the mistake of assuming that when we’re serious this means we are super dedicated. Teams and cultures devoid of joy are created in the misplaced notion that seriousness means they are more committed. It doesn’t. Training for any performance endeavour makes it even harder if we don’t enjoy it. Happiness and enjoyment both result from progress and nobody ever found enjoyment in being stuck and not making progress.
Temper Endurance will give you all the tools necessary to make progress, and enjoy your training. But whether you’re coached by Temper Endurance or not, please make yourself one promise, that you’ll enjoy your training. It’s that important...
R - Results
At Temper Endurance we believe that the results you want are the ultimate testament to effective and targeted training, not to mention your own dedication. Our coaching philosophy focusses on achieving outcomes and results tailored to each athletes unique goals. Whether you are a beginner aiming to complete your first 5km run or Ironman Triathlon, or if you’re a seasoned competitor striving for a personal best, let’s work together and turn your goals into the results you deserve.
…& that folks is…
TEMPER Endurance
So whether you’re seeking mastery, that standout performance, a singular result, a multiple of results, or you just simply want to enjoy your training. Maybe it’s all of the above alongside your own targeted training plan? Whatever you’re looking for, why not give TEMPER Endurance a shout to find out more about what we can do, and what we can offer you. Email us, ping over a message, give us a call, or whatever suits. We’re here and looking forward to hearing from you.